Cv Vozača koji se jedno jutro provozao kroz svoj grad počinje njegovim mukotrpnim ulaskom u auto. Jedan pored njega se tako blizu parkirao da je vozač oderao pola stomaka o vrata da bi se ugurao na vozačko mesto.
Zatim je krenuo.
Usput je sreo kola dostave smrznute hrane, mrtvačka kola za koja nije znao da li su prazna ili prevoze Nekog, kamion za kanalizaciju i policijska kola. Mimoišao se i sa kolima hitne pomoći i sa „paukom“ koji odneo jedan jadan auto. Projurila je i zatamljena limuzina sa rotacijom prevozeći verovatno nekog važnog Političara. Taj auto međutim, ne izaziva više ničiju pozornost.
To su po važnosti za život ili smrt, vozila sa pravom prvenstva.
U crvenim kolima su sedele i sporo milile Dve Babe po putu. Činilo se da su zadovoljne i uživaju dok nabrajaju šta će kupiti napijaci. U velikom džipu je projurila Mlada Žena. Izgledala je lepo, doterano i skupo. Naočarima je sakrila pogled tako da ne znamo šta ima da kaže.
Autobus se klatio levo desno i jurio nabijen putnicima.
Iz sporedne ulice je izleteo kamion koji je prevozio pesak. Taj kamiondžija se smatrao vozilom od važnosti, iako prevozi nečiju privatnu građu. Volelo bi da je njegov kamion važan, kao na primer Vatrogasni kamion koji svi poštuju i propuštaju.
Pomenuti Kamiondžija je skoro naleteo na Mladjeg Muškarca u malenomom autu koji se oprezno i nesigurno šunjao putem. Toliko se trudio se da ne ispadne glup pred Novom Devojkom, a sad mu ovaj kamiondžija svira, preti prstom, a ostali vozači usporavaju i zaviruju u njihov auto.
Na pešackom prelazu je Deda Na Biciklu prevozio prazne gajbe.
Skoro ga je pregazio Mladi, ali Proćelavi Vozač Kombija koji je dostavljao pića. Na sreću, zakočio je u mestu, ali je iza njega odmah zatrubio Čovek Bolesnog Lica u staroj Zastavi. Besno je mlatarao rukama jer je valjda svestan da nema više vremena i da je u predinfarknom stanju.
Naišla su zaprezna kola kojim je upravljao mladi Cigan, i njegova Žena Sa Bebom u naručju. Oko njih je trčkao čopor pasa lutalica dok je kljuse polako vuklo zapregu, harmonično, u ritmu kopita.
Vozač je na kraju stigao na odredište, parkirao se i ugasio kola.
CV of a Driver who went for a ride around the city one morning
The CV of a Driver who went for a ride around the city one morning begins with his painstaking attempt to get into his car. Someone had parked their car so close to his that he scraped a good part of his stomach on the door in order to squeeze into the driver’s seat.
He then drove away.
He drove by a frozen food delivery truck, a funeral car he didn’t know was empty or transporting Someone, a sewage truck and a police car. He also passed by an ambulance and a tow truck moving an unfortunate automobile. A limo with tinted glass and a flashing light also rushed by, probably with some important Politician inside. However, this car didn’t attract anyone’s’ attention.
In life or death situations, these vehicles have right of way.
Two Old Ladies moved slowly along the road in a red car. They seemed content and delighted as they listed all the things they were going to buy at the market. A Young Woman dashed by in a big SUV. She looked good, all dolled up, and expensive. Her eyes were concealed by sunglasses so that we wouldn’t know what she has to say.
A bus was waggling left and right as it rushed by packed with passengers.
A truck transporting sand leaped onto the main road from a side street. This truck driver considered himself to be a vehicle with the right of way, even though he was transporting someone’s private building material. He wished his truck was important, like a fire truck for example, which everyone respects and makes way for.
The Truck Driver almost hit a Younger Man in a small car, which was moving cautiously and apprehensively down the road. He was so intent on not looking stupid in front of his New Girlfriend, and now this truck driver was honking and giving him the finger, while the rest of the drivers slowed down to see who was in the car.
An Old Man on a Bike was moving along a crosswalk, with a pile of empty crates.
He was almost run over by a Young but Balding Truck Driver who was delivering beverages. Luckily he slammed on the brakes, but the Sick-Looking Man in an old VW behind him began honking his horn immediately. He was waving his arms angrily, probably because he knew he didn’t have any time left because he was about to have a heart attack.
A horse-drawn carriage came along, driven by a young Gypsy, and his Wife with a Baby. A pack of stray dogs ran by their side, while a broken-down horse pulled the carriage slowly, harmoniously, in the rhythm of his hooves.
The Driver finally reached his destination, parked the car and turned off the ignition.