Kako sam na ulici prepoznala tog čoveka?
Čovek je išao polako svestan svakog svog koraka i uočavao je likove prolaznika na ulici. Nije želeo da mu promakne trenutak, ni jedan trenutak svesnog učestvovanja u tom momentu, pogotovo onaj deo u kome su zgrade neupadljivih fasada. Ali opet, da nije bio svestan tih neupadljivih fasada, promakao bi mu život u tim zgradama koji imao nekakav svoj šarm i toplinu. Zatim, bio je svestan sunčevih zraka i zelenog lista na grani drveta.
Svesno je doživeo i travu pored puta jer biti svestan trave donosi veliku radost.
Shvatio je još jednu čudnu stvar. Svest većine prolaznika, bila je proporcionalno suprotna od njihovog raspoloženja. Da je ona žena što gura bebu po sunčanom danu svesnija, blistala bi radošću. Ovako, žuri negde napeta i beba juri zajedno sa njom, iako bebe nemaju potrebu da jure kao odrasli.
Na kraju je postao svestan i čestice, sitne svetlosne strukture koja je bivala svuda unaokolo. Rekao je sebi: „Što si svesniji, to si svetliji“ i tek tad doživeo potpuni mir.
An Awakened Man
How did I recognize this man on the street?
The man walked slowly, conscious of his every step, noticing the faces he passed by on the street. He didn’t want to miss a moment, not one second of conscious participation in the moment, especially the part with the buildings with inconspicuous facades. But, had he not been conscious of these inconspicuous facades, he would have missed the charm and warmth of the life taking place in these buildings. He was also conscious of the sunrays and the green leaf on a tree branch.
He consciously experienced the grass by the road because he knew that grass brings great joy.
He also realized something odd. The consciousness of the passersby was proportionately opposite to their mood. If a woman pushing a baby carriage on a sunny day was more conscious, she would be glowing with joy. But, she is tense and in a hurry to get somewhere, and the baby is rushing along with her, even though babies have no need to rush like adults.
In the end, he also became conscious of a particle, the tiny luminous speck found all around us. He said to himself: “The more conscious you are, the brighter you become”, and only then did he experience complete peace.