Ako je Uspavana lepotica simbol uzvišene svesti o ljubavi i svetlosti Božanske iskre u svima nama, a njen stogodišnji san, dugačak period u istoriji društva omađijan krvoprolićem, sukobima, osvajanjima i ratovima predstavljen kroz dvorac zarastao u trnje, onda je princ balans koji je potreban svima da bi najzad svanula zora.
Ova bajka nosi dekodiranje kako se može izaći iz sopstvenog mraka i probuditi svest za više dimenzije.
Podmuklo, kroz ubod stare preslice neke prepodobne bake, zavladalo je zlo i svi u kraljevstvu ljudskog roda su zaspali. Svet je izgledao kao da se i dalje sve odvija nesmetano i naizgled normalno. Kuvar je i dalje kuvao u kuhinji, kralj i kraljica su spavajući upravljali sa svog trona, ostali dvorjani su stajali na svojim mestima. Ako su žene te koje pokreću ove madjije, onda im je potrebna velika doza ljubavi da se ta energija i pokrene. Princ nije makar ko. On je jedan, jedini koji se probio kroz to trnje i baš takav uspeo da probudi toliku uspavanu energiju. Kada se probudila Uspavana lepotica, probudilo se i celo njeno kraljevstvo. Probudila ju je ljubav.
Kako prolaziš kroz iskustvo buđenja svesti?
Buđenje svesti je nezaustavljiv process ili bolje reći stanje u kome se rastapa naš iluzorni strah. Lagano ili iznenada, izumiru demoni, a rađa se jedan novi svet, pun ljubavi ispunjen svetlošću.
Buđenje je zora posle životnog mraka.
Taj proces je potpuno prirodan i prelazi sa čoveka na čoveka. Izumrli su neandertalaci, a sve je više svesnih ljudi koji osećaju potrebu da izađu iz sopstvene pomračine uma. Između je još puno mesečara koji hodaju kroz život u polu snu.
Za buđenje je potrebna svetlost
Buđenje iziskuje dosta lične svetlosti pa ne zahvata svakog pojedinca istom jačinom. Neko je više, neko manje mračan u momentu buđenja, zavisi koliko se zarobio životnim okovima i navukao zavese na svesti. Iako se rađamo blistavo čisti i svetli, lični mrak ili crni ego nas napada polako u toku života i kači se u vidu ljubomore, mržnje, zavisti, ogovaranja, pakosti, svadje i uopšte straha koji se ispoljava u raznim patnjama. Taj lični mrak ili crni ego je moćna droga i tako idemo kroz život sužene svesti, kao mamurni mesečari, ne znajući da je bolest izlečiva i da smo predugo išli kroz život žmureći. Ne znamo da je izvor onoga što jesmo čista svetlost i radost koju ćemo ugledati samo ako odlučimo da otvorimo oči i umijemo se.
Svako ko ima sreće da prolazi kroz proces Buđenja, ima svoje jedinstveno iskustvo, dužinu puta i sopstveni ritam kretanja na ovom putovanju. Kod nekoga se process buđenja svesti dešava iznenada, a kod nekog taj put teče sporije, tek, nikom se nije desilo da se vratio na staro polazište niti je ikad više bio ono što je bio pre.
Šta je Buđenje svesti?
To je dragocena i života vredna sopstvena potraga. To je put pronalaženja i dolaska do Pravog Ja.
Šta to tačno znači?
Ako tek treba da pronađem Pravog Ja, ko je onda ovaj Ja koji trenutno postavlja pitanje?
Mračni ego glasno psuje po životu i stvara patnju tamo gde ni u snovima ne bi trebalo da je ima – u odnosima prema samom sebi, prema svojim najbližima, između prijatelja, nacija, religija, rasa…
Ako ti se i na tren javlja ideja da život može i treba da bude mnogo radosniji, to je taj, još uvek stidljivi, glas tvog Pravog Ja. Raduj mu se i slušaj ga.
Svest se proširuje. Iznenada, stvari i odnosi, ljudi i situacije dobijaju novi značaj, prikazuje se njihov dotad neviđen smisao. Život kao da je bio čaršavom prekriven i ti ga odjednom otkrivaš. To više nije jeftin proizvod, shvataš njegovu umetničku vrednost i izdvajaš sebe kao remek delo u moru istih reprodukcija. Ko sam ja, iznenadiš se pitanjem dok uviđaš sopstveni značaj.
Preispituješ svoj odnos sa roditeljima, decom, partnerom, sa samim sobom.
Shvataš da si igrao u cirkusu tuđih očekivanja i bio deo velike društvene predstave gde se ni po koju cenu ne sme pogrešiti tekst. Bojao si se kritike i čekao aplauz. Uviđaš koliko je energije otišlo na taj nastup i zadovoljavanja tuđih mišljenja, tuđih potreba ili tuđih zamišljanja kako je trebalo da odigraš ulogu.
Sada se javlja iznenadni osećaj slobode i ne moraš ništa da dokazuješ što nije u skladu sa tvojim unutrašnjim mirom.
Hoćeš da voliš, ne moraš da udovoljavaš.
Ljubav više nije zasluga nego stanje.
I dok strah nestaje, pojavljuje se nada. Ne brineš šta će biti sutra nego uočavaš radost da si živ Sada. Otrovne i negativne misli, češće zamenjuje ideja o sreći i lepoti. Bez ikakvog razloga si dobro raspoložen i nisi više kriv.
Javlja se i ideja o životnoj svrsi.
“Šta je moj životni poziv? Ko me poziva i gde? Negde imam svoju misiju i doprinos, ja sam kreacija nečega.” Snaga, poštovanje i pouzdanje ti dolaze iznutra, ne čekaš na tuđu dozu i isporuku. Ne stidiš se da izraziš sebe.
Neki ljudi te prate na ovom putu, neki izlaze iz tvog života. Novi se pojavljuju sa pravim porukama u pravo vreme.
A telo, uživa u ovoj transformaciji i budi se i ono podmlađeno novom energijom. Lepota i mladost Pravog Ja počinje da sija, isceljeno, zadovoljno i zahvalno.
Pravo Ja je čista sreća, ljubav, radost i večnost.Sve drugo, baulja mesečar umesto tebe.
Neki koji ovo čitaju su se već razbudili, neki otvaraju oči, a neki tek navijaju glasni budilnik.
Dobro jutro vam želim svima
The Awakening of Consciousness or a Fairy-tale About Sleeping Beauty
If Sleeping Beauty is a symbol of supreme awareness of love and the divine spark within us, and her sleep of a hundred years a long period in the history of society entranced by bloodshed, conflicts, conquests and wars, presented as a palace overgrown with thorns, then the prince represents the sense of balance everyone needs for the dawning of a new day.
This fairy-tale bears the key to decoding the way one can emerge out of their darkness and awaken their awareness of higher dimensions.
Insidiously, by the pricking of a finger on an old spindle of a venerable old lady, evil prevailed and everyone in the kingdom of humankind fell asleep. The world seemed as though life had continued undisturbed, seemingly normal. The chef continued cooking in the kitchen, the king and queen ruled over the kingdom from their throne in their sleep and the courtiers remained standing. If women are those who make these spells, then they must possess an incredible amount of love to initiate such energy. The prince isn’t just anybody. He is the only one who broke through the thorns and only he was able to awaken such dormant energy. When Sleeping Beauty woke up, the entire kingdom did as well.
She was awakened by love.
How does one experience the awakening of consciousness?
The awakening of consciousness is an unstoppable process or, better said, a state in which our illusory fear melts away. Slowly or suddenly, demons die away, and a new world filled with love and light is born.
Awakening is the dawn after a life of darkness.
This is a completely natural process and it is passed on from one person to another. Neanderthals have become extinct and there are more and more people who feel the need to come out of their eclipse of the mind. Amongst them there are still many sleepwalkers who walk through life in a daze.
Awakening requires light.
Awakening calls for an abundance of personal light and thus, it does not seize everyone with equal force. Some are darker and some less dark at the moment of the awakening, depending on the extent to which they were restrained by life’s shackles and how far the blinds were pulled over their consciousness. Even though we are born pure and bright, our individual darkness or black ego slowly attacks us during our lifetime and attaches itself to us in the form of jealousy, hatred, envy, gossip, malice, strife and fear in general, which manifests itself in various sufferings. This personal darkness or black ego is a powerful drug and so we go through life with narrowed awareness, like drowsy sleepwalkers, not knowing that the illness is curable and that we have been going through life with our eyes closed for too long. We don’t know that the source of our being is pure light and joy, which we will be able to see only if we decide to open our eyes and wash our faces.
Anyone lucky enough to go through the process of Awakening, has their own unique experience, length of journey and rate at which they progress on this journey. For some, the process of awakening the consciousness happens suddenly, and for others this journey moves more slowly, nevertheless no one has ever returned to the starting point or gone back to being as they once were.
What is the Awakening of Consciousness?
It is a precious and life-worthy inner search. It is a journey of discovery and finding one’s True Self.
What does this mean?
If I still need to find my True Self, then who is the Self asking this question?
The dark ego curses life out loud and creates suffering where there shouldn’t be any, even in our wildest dreams – in our relationship with ourselves, our loved ones, between friends, nations, religions, races… If even for a split second you think that life should be much happier, this is the still shy voice of your True Self. Rejoice in it and listen to it.
The consciousness expands. Suddenly, things and relationships, people and situations have new significance, their never before seen meaning rises to the surfaces. It is as if life was covered with a sheet and suddenly you are taking it down. This is no longer a cheap product, you grasp its artistic value and you distinguish yourself as a masterpiece as you begin to recognize your own significance.
You re-examine your relationship with your parents, children, partner, with yourself.
You realize you have been performing in a circus of other people’s expectations, a part of a big social performance in which you must get your text right at any cost. You were afraid of criticism and waited for applause. You comprehend just how much of your energy went into this performance and your attempt to meet other people’s expectations, needs or fantasies about how you should play your role.
Now you feel a sudden sense of freedom and you no longer have to prove something that is not in accordance with your inner peace.
You want to love, you don’t have to please.
Love is no longer something to be deserved, but simply a state.
And as fear disappears, hope returns. You don’t worry about tomorrow, but rather see the joy of being alive Today. Poisonous and negative thoughts are more frequently replaced by ideas of happiness and beauty. You feel good for no reason and you are no longer guilty.
The idea of the purpose of life arises.
“What is my true calling? Who is calling me and where? I have my mission, I contribute, I am someone’s creation.” Strength, respect and confidence come from within; you don’t wait for someone else’s dose or supply. You are not ashamed to express yourself.
Some people follow you on this journey, others leave your life. Yet others come into your life with the right messages at the right time.
And your body enjoys this transformation. It blossoms and is rejuvenated with this new energy. The beauty and youth of your True Self begins to shine; healed, satisfied and grateful.
Your True Self is pure joy, love, happiness and eternity. All else is but a sleepwalker roaming around in your place.
Some of you who are reading this are already awake, some are opening their eyes and yet others are still setting their alarm clocks.
I wish you all a good morning.