Kada je jedan čovek pao i slomio nogu, shvatio je da zna da slika, jer danima nije mogao da mrda. Inače je stalno vikao da je u gužvi, trčao „tamo-‘vamo“ i ništa pametno nije radio u danu, vredno pomena. Ni on sam uveče nije mogao da se seti gde je „ubio vreme“.
Jedna je plakala jer ju je ostavio momak. Posle mnogo budnih noći koje je provela tugujući za njim, iznenada je shvatila koliku joj je on, zapravo, uslugu učinio. Iz čista mira, kao da ju je neka nevidljiva ruka umila i razbudila iz sna, naučila je da je nemoguće biti zaljubljen u onoga ko je slep na njenu lepotu. Ako mu se ona ne svidja, on nema ukusa, a takav joj ne treba.
Neki je umro i pronašao mir…
Drugog su otpustili i on je pronašao mir…
Može i obrnuto.
Da jednu gospođu nije udario šlog, ne bi nikad primetila koliko njena snaha ima ljudskih osobina, a sin ipak nije toliko naivan i glup što ju je oženio.
Kako nastaju srećni ljudi?
Na primeru Mileta, jednog naizgled običnog čoveka, vidi se da on svaki dan peca, uživa sa drugarima i pije koliko mu prija. Menja „devojke“, zgodne pedesetogodisnjakinje, udovice koje vole slobodan život, zabavu i imaju dobar cug. Da ga nije pre par godina ostavila žena i on ostao sam misleći da je stigao kraj sveta, kako bi znao šta je dobar dan? Da li bi upoznao život savršen i po njegovoj meri?
Dno nam moze biti veliki ucitelj.
CV of the bottom
When a man fell and broke his leg, he realized he knew how to paint because he was unable to move for days. Before this he would always say he didn’t have the time, he ran ‘here and there’ and accomplished nothing worthwhile by the end of the day, nothing worth mentioning anyway. Even he couldn’t remember at night where the time went.
A girl cried because her boyfriend left her. After spending many sleepless nights mourning for him, she suddenly realized what a big favour he had done her. Out of nowhere, as if an invisible hand washed her face and awakened her from a dream, she learned it was impossible to love someone who is blind to her beauty. If he doesn’t like her, then he has no taste and she has no need for such a person.
Some guy died and found peace…
Another one was fired and he found peace…
It could go the other way around as well.
If one lady hadn’t had a stroke, she would have never noticed just how many good human qualities her daughter-in-law possessed, and that her son was not naïve and stupid for marrying her.
How are happy people created?
Take for example Mile. He goes fishing every day, enjoys spending time with his friends and drinks as he pleases. He changes “girlfriends”, good-looking fifty-year-olds, widows who love to live free, enjoy life and a good drink or two. If his wife hadn’t left him a few years ago, leaving him alone, thinking it was the end of the world, would he ever find out what a good day was? Would he ever get to know a life perfect by his standards?
The bottom can be a great teacher.
Goga Balaban
29 aprila, 2013 - 12:36 pm ·This comment has been removed by the author.
Svetlana D
16 oktobra, 2013 - 8:08 pm ·Paradoks dna.