U našem kraju, severno od Dunava, ima jedna izreka: Dodj’te gosti, neću biti tu! To obično kažemo kad ne želimo da nekoga ugostimo, a taj se javi baš onda kad ne treba.
Mi Vojvodjani, tada postupamo na razne nacine. Jedan je da se ljubazno smeškamo pridošlicama, ugostimo ih kao da se jako radujemo što su nas posetili. I dok mislimo: “Kud sad nadjoste da nas gnjavite, kazemo: Izvolte, samo udjite… Umesto: “Boze što ste dosadni, kazemo: “Jako nam je drago sto vas vidimo, bas lepo od vas sto ste dosli”.
Počastimo ih na najlepši mogući način I često pridošlice, koji nisu u stvari dobrodošle, nudimo da da jedu I piju iako oni to odbijaju.
Znamo da budemo i grubi u nastojanju da nateramo goste da se posluže.
Niko ne zna zašto smo takvi i da li se na kraju ipak radujemo gostima ili smo kao na početku iznervirani.
CV of those who call and come over at a bad time
In our parts, north of the Danube, we have a saying: Do come over, I won’t be home! We usually say this when we are not in the mood for guests and someone decides to come over anyway.
In such circumstances, we, from Vojvodina, react in several ways. Some smile politely and greet their guest as if they are excited to see them. Meanwhile, they’re thinking: “This is not the time for you to bother us”, but they say: “Welcome, come right in…” Instead of: “God you’re pestering us,” they say: “It’s so good to see you, nice of you to come over”.
We treat them in the best possible way and often serve the unwelcome guests food and drinks even though they say it’s not necessary.
We are also known to be overly eager and insist that they help themselves to the food.
No one knows why we are like this and whether in the end we are actually pleased to see them or still irritated by their visit.