Poznajem ljude koji svoje misljenje i stavove žele da proglase tačnim i verodostojnim pa onda govore kroz usta nekih velikih stručnjaka, tobož, ti stručnjaci su to rekli.
Recimo kad dotični hoće da kažu svoj stav na temu zdravlja onda počnu ovako: „Načelnik klinike za ovo ono, profesor i najveći stručnjak za te stvari, mi je baš juče rekao da je dobro za probavu popiti . ..“ Po prirodi stvari, mi automatski prihvatimo taj stav kao apsolutnu istinu koju ne treba proveravati.
Ili ako hoće da iskažu svoj stav o modi, pomaže im da pojačaju svoj iskaz kad kažu: „Jedna dizajnerka ili prodavačica u u najpoznatijem italijanskom butiku mi je rekla da je to sad hit- kombinacija braon i crne. Nosi se ove sezone! , a u drugom delu rečenice, onom koji se ne čuje, izgovorenom u glavi, rečenica dalje teče:…Šta me gledaš, valjda ja bolje znam, kako ne vidite da se oblačim lepše od svih vas? Gledajte me, slušajte me!“
Na primer, ako imaju mišljenje o tome šta je zdravo ili nezdravo jesti ili piti kažu: „Apotekarka kaže da nije dobro piti mleko od soje, jesti puno avokada, a takođe je obavezno dati deci fluor za karijes i uzimati po jednu tabletu dnevno…
Sve u svemu, oni su uvek dobro obavešteni i njihove tvrdnje su proverene od strane stručnjaka iz raznih oblasti tako da ih možete i dalje uzimati zdravo za gotovo.
CV of a stupidity booster
I know people who like to proclaim their opinions and positions as correct and credible so they speak through the mouths of great experts, like these experts were the ones who said this.
For example, when such a person states their opinion on the subject of health, they begin their sentence like this: “The head of the ‘this or that’ clinic, professor and expert in such matters, was telling me only yesterday that problems with indigestion can be solved with…” Naturally, we automatically accept this opinion as the absolute truth which needs no verification.
Or, if they wish to give their opinion on fashion, it helps them to reinforce their statement by saying: “A fashion designer or saleswoman in one of the most famous Italian boutiques told me that a brown and black combination is a hit now. It’s in this season!” While the second part of the sentence, the one we cannot hear because it was not uttered out loud goes: “…don’t look at me like that, I should know, can’t you see I dress better than all of you? Look at me, listen to me!”
For instance, if they have an opinion about what is healthy or not healthy to eat or drink they say: “The pharmacist says it’s bad for you to drink soy milk; eat too much avocado and also, you must give your children fluoride to prevent cavities, one tablet each day…”
All in all, they are always well informed and their claims have been checked by experts in various fields and so you can take them at face value.