Jednog jutra, me je probudio cvrkut ptica i ja sam znao, ne otvarajući oči, da je napolju sunčano. Zaključio sam da je ovo za mene divno jutro iako se uvek budim sa nekom tinjajućom tremom i nelagodom u stomaku i grudima, kao da me od trenutka budjenja čeka veliki nastup, publika i kritika.
U toku noći se sigurno desilo nešto čudno jer to sam osećao u svojim grudima. Kao da mi se neki mehur miline razlivao prema stomaku.
Šta bi to moglo biti, od jutros osećam tako dobro kao da sam došao do svoje suštine i našao odgovor na sopstveni smisao? Tako je bio lagan osećaj da sam skoro pomislio da lebdim.
Ipak, ako malo bolje razmislim, noćas sam spavao kao i svaku drugu noć. Legao sam pre ponoći i čitao knjigu “Sjetva u svemiru”. Piše da su u pradavno doba naše pretke posetili iz svemira nepoznata inteligentna bića. To je poslednja rečenica koje se sećam pred san.
San! Šta je san radio dok sam ja spavao?
Izgleda da je analizirao moju knjigu i možda ju je razumeo bolje od mene samoga.
Ako je tako, onda je sve lako. Dogovaramo se pred spavanje sa snom da nam isporuči sve ono što želimo ujutru da saznamo!
-Snu, prouči zadatke koje ti zadajem pred spavanje! Odakle su stigla ta inteligentna bića? Koga su želela da posete, stare bogove ili ljude? Ko je skinuo svemirsko odelo sa platinastim pojasom pre nekoliko hiljada godina?
San mi je obećao da ce razmotriti te podatke.
Odlučio sam da vidim dokle ću i sam stići. Nastavio sam da čitam tu knjigu i sve mi je bilo nekako blisko, kao da sam knjigu pročitao više puta ili sam je čak ja napisao. Na korici je pisalo ime Daniken, a što jasno ukazuje da tu nema ni slova od moga imena.
I tako sam pustio dan da prodje. Ništa se bitno nije desilo, samo je osećaj i dalje bio nadahnjujuć, a ja sam bio potpuno nelogično srećan što sam živ.
Stiglo je veče i pitao sam se da li će se i noćas odigrati nesto važno što će sa jutrom doneti novi značaj.
Knjiga je ostala neotvorena, a mene je prevario san.
Nešto me je zagrebalo po kapku.
-Otvori oči, poslušaj me, otvori oči”.
Seo sam na krevet, upalio lampu.
-Ko je to, upitao sam.
-Ja sam, ko bi drugi? Ne prepoznaješ me i ne trudi se. Sad otvori oči da ti kažem nesto.
Upalio sam svetlo i okretao se po sobi. Ništa nisam video.
Upalio sam svetlo i okretao se po sobi. Ništa nisam video.
-Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, to je moje ime!
-Jel imaš neki nadimak Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?, gledao sam u prazno kao da pričam sa vazduhom. Opet, razgovor je bio veoma realan, čuo sam svaku reč i razumeo je.
-Zovi me A.
-A! Ko si ti?
-Ja sam tvoj gen i gen mnogih pre tebe. Imam živopisnu istoriju i moje moćno prisustvo je glavno u tvom Cv-ju. To je ono što te čini da misliš da si ti ti.
-Znači ti si moj gen i zoveš se A?
-Ne, moje puno ime je Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa i moje ime nema kraj. Pevaj Aaaaaaaaaa I videćeš. Dogod imaš dah izgovaraćeš moje ime.
-Interesantno! Odakle si? Želeo bih da te vidim! Ako si moj gen, odakle ti glas, imaš li neki oblik, telo? Gde si uopšte i odakle mi se obraćaš?
-Ja živim sa tobom i možeš me videti jer si otkrio tajnu koju niko do sada nije znao pre tebe.
-Tajnu, ja? Šta sam otkrio?
-Polako, o tome ćemo pričati do kraja tvog života i da bi shvatio suštinu i video ono što se ne vidi tako lako, treba dosta da vežbaš! Vežba kreće sad!
Udahni, izdahni, udahni, izdahni, udahni, izdahni, udahni, izdahni…
-A, dokle ovako?
-Udahni….sad izdahni…sad udahni….sad izdahni i to radi dok si živ. E onda si uvežbao.
..u pradavno doba naši preci doživeli su posetu iz svemira! lako danas još ne znamo ko su bila ta vanzemaljska inteligentna bića i s koje daleke zvezde su stigla, ipak izjavljujemo da su ti „stranci“ uništili jedan deo tadašnjeg čovečanstva i stvorili novog čoveka, možda prvog homo sapiensa. Možda je to bio poslednji čovek, a možda i prvi naš oštećeni predak ove civilizacije.
I tako je nastao tvoj CV po priči Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…
Your CV
One morning, I was woken by the sound of birds singing and I knew, without even opening my eyes, that it was sunny outside. I concluded this would be a wonderful morning even though I always wake up with some sort of festering anxiety and uneasiness in my stomach and chest, as if the moment I wake up I have to give a performance and face an audience and critics.
Something strange must have happened overnight because I could feel it in my chest. As if a bubble of pleasure had burst and started spreading towards my stomach.
What could it be? I feel so good this morning, like I had grasped the gist of my existence and found the answer to the purpose of my being. I had this feeling of weightlessness, almost like I was floating in the air.
Still, when I think about it, last night I slept like I do every night. I went to bed before midnight and read “The Gold of the Gods”. In the book, it says that in ancient times our ancestors were visited by unknown intelligent beings from outer space. That is the last sentence I remember before falling asleep.
The dream! What was the dream doing while I slept?
It seems it was analyzing my book and perhaps understood it better than I.
If that’s the case then it’s easy. Before falling asleep we simply ask our dream to convey everything we wish to know in the morning!
“Dream, consider the assignments I give you before going to sleep! Where did those intelligent beings come from? Who did they come to visit, the ancient gods or the people? Who removed the space suit with the platinum belt several thousand years ago?”
The dream promised to consider this information.
I decided to find out how far I would get on my own. I continued to read the book and everything seemed familiar somehow, as if I had read the book several times or even written it. The name Däniken was written on the cover, which obviously had nothing to do with me.
And so I went on with my day. Nothing significant happened, except for the feeling of inspiration and the fact that I was completely irrationally happy to be alive.
Night came and I wondered if something important would happen overnight and bring new meaning in the morning.
The book remained open and sleep sneaked up on me.
Something scratched my eyelids.
“Open your eyes, listen to me, open your eyes.”
I sat up in bed and turned on the night lamp.
“Who is that?” I asked.
“It’s me, who else would it be? You don’t recognize me and don’t even try. Now open your eyes so that I can tell you something.”
I turned on the light and looked around the room. Nothing was there.
“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, that’s my name!”
“Do you have a nickname Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? I was staring into empty space as if I was talking to the air. Still, the conversation was very real; I heard and understood every word.
“You can call me A.”
“A! Who are you?”
“I am your gene and the gene of many before you. I have a vivid history and my powerful presence is the main part of your CV. It is what makes you think that you are you.”
“So, you’re my gene and your name is A?”
“No, my full name is Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and my name has no ending. Sing Aaaaaaaaaa and you will see. You will be saying my name until you run out of breath.”
“Interesting! Where are you from? I’d like to see you! If you’re my gene, how is it that you have a voice; do you have some sort of shape, body? Where are you anyway and where are you now as you’re talking to me?”
“I live with you and you can see me because you have uncovered the secret no one had before.”
“Secret, me? What did I discover?”
“Don’t rush; we will be talking about that for the rest of your life and for you to grasp the essence and see what cannot be seen so easily requires a lot of practice! And your training starts now!
Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale…”
“And for how long do I do this?”
“Inhale… now exhale… now inhale… now exhale and do that for the rest of your life. That’s when you’ll have it down.”
…in ancient times visitors from outer space came to our ancestors! Although we still don’t know who these intelligent beings from outer space were, or which distant star they came from, we nevertheless claim that back then these “strangers” destroyed one part of the human race and created a new human, perhaps the first Homo sapiens. Perhaps this was the last human, or even the first damaged ancestor of this civilization.
And so this was how your CV was created, according to Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa…