Mnogi misle da nije bezbedno biti iskren.
Ljudi će to zloupotrebiti i zato je bolje uvijati se.
Iskrenost misli, reči i osećaja, međutim, lebdi u polju oko tela iskrenog čoveka i snažno zrače kristalnom čistoćom…
Ljudi koji se nadju tu, osećaju se bezbedno jer znaju na čemu su.
Ljudi to osete i vraćaju istom merom.
Ako je drugačije, tu nisu čista posla.
Many think it’s not safe to be honest.
People will take advantage and so it’s better to put on a front.
However, honest thoughts, words and feelings hover in a field around an honest person, emitting a powerful, crystal clear radiance…
People in their company feel safe because they know where they stand.
People feel this and reciprocate with equal measure.
If this is not the case, then something is not right.