About Spirituality
One morning I was woken by a voice filled with love, a clear and powerful voice telling me: “All of you who carry the light, let your voices be heard!” A crystal clear realization broke over me: Spirituality should be brought down to earth, instead of spiritually fleeing from other people through illusions of transcendence. Turning to heaven and reaching heights is not Spirituality, but rather transmitting this light back to Earth and to those around us. If people were to stop mystifying Spirituality through religion, solemnity, rituals and various gurus and simply accept it with innocence and practice it as something pure and light-hearted, everyone would be happier. It would be like bathing in the same pool of light! Millions of little suns would be walking around this world. You don’t need direction, a uniform or certificate to smile at a child, notice a butterfly, be moved by music, write a verse, show love, brighten someone’s day, feel grateful for every breath, send off the Sun as it sets, remember that we are here to grow surrounded by love, to shine with love at the little things around us. Then, the heavens would descend all on its own, and help us illuminate our own path and the paths of those wandering in the darkness with our own beauty and tranquility!
Svetlana D
29 juna, 2016 - 12:52 pm ·<3
Goga Balaban
2 jula, 2016 - 12:00 pm ·Kiss